Change each of the fractions into equivalent fractions having denominator 12

Change each of the fractions into equivalent fractions having denominator 12

change the following fractions in the fractions having same denominatorSee more

change the following fractions in the fractions having same denominator

change every fraction into an equivalent fraction whose numerator 24.See more

change every fraction into an equivalent fraction whose numerator 24.

How to find Equivalent fractions / Equivalent Fractions / What are Equivalent FractionsSee more

How to find Equivalent fractions / Equivalent Fractions / What are Equivalent Fractions

Change the fractions into an equivalent fraction with denominator 24See more

Change the fractions into an equivalent fraction with denominator 24

How to Find Equivalent Fractions for 24/36See more

How to Find Equivalent Fractions for 24/36

Find an equivalent fraction of 5/9 with numerator 30See more

Find an equivalent fraction of 5/9 with numerator 30

How to Find Equivalent Fractions for 3/5See more

How to Find Equivalent Fractions for 3/5

Find the equivalent fraction of 15/(90) with denominator 18. | 6 | FRACTIONS | MATHS | ICSE | D...See more

Find the equivalent fraction of 15/(90) with denominator 18. | 6 | FRACTIONS | MATHS | ICSE | D...

Express the fractions as an equivalent fractions with 100 as the denominator.See more

Express the fractions as an equivalent fractions with 100 as the denominator.

Equivalent Fractions for 3/4See more

Equivalent Fractions for 3/4

Class_6_Maths_Chapter_No_7_Fractions_Part_6_12_October_2020See more


Find an equivalent fraction of (3)/(4) with: a. denominator 20. | 7 | FRACTIONS | MATHS | ICSE |...See more

Find an equivalent fraction of (3)/(4) with: a. denominator 20. | 7 | FRACTIONS | MATHS | ICSE |...

Subtracting Fractions with Unlike Denominators | Math with Mr. JSee more

Subtracting Fractions with Unlike Denominators | Math with Mr. J

Equivalent Fractions | Math with Mr. JSee more

Equivalent Fractions | Math with Mr. J

Find an equivalent fraction of 4/9 with numerator 28.See more

Find an equivalent fraction of 4/9 with numerator 28.

Change fractions into equivalent fraction having the denominator 12See more

Change fractions into equivalent fraction having the denominator 12

Class 6 - Exercise 7.3 - Q 4 | Find the equivalent fraction of 3/5 having denominator 20See more

Class 6 - Exercise 7.3 - Q 4 | Find the equivalent fraction of 3/5 having denominator 20

FRACTIONS- converting fractions so they have the same denominatorSee more

FRACTIONS- converting fractions so they have the same denominator

#CBSE #NCERT #Elearning #RVES Class 6 Chapter 5 Fractions Ex-5.3 Q3 to Q8 (11 Sept 2021)See more

#CBSE #NCERT #Elearning #RVES Class 6 Chapter 5 Fractions Ex-5.3 Q3 to Q8 (11 Sept 2021)
